Tuesday, July 26, 2011



那年,我上一年级,大姐带我开学。我永远都不忘记,大姐拿着叉烧包等我下课吃饱后,她才去上班。在我小小的心灵,充满了疑问。。 。妈妈在家,为何她不来呢?当然,这是一个没有答案的问题。当我年纪渐长,第一次"阿姨"到来,妈妈二话不说,拿了最旧款的卫生棉,叫我绑上腰。手忙脚乱之外也充满了疑惑,干么会这样?大姐知道后,出钱把我所有儿童内裤换成黛安芬牌子的成人内裤,还买了那个年代最新款的卫生棉让我用,是用来贴的,才解决了我的问题。




Friday, July 15, 2011

After Bersih - Ban of Comic

Today NST, 15/07/2011.... (I have to clarify here, I don't buy newspaper, all sources of newspaper are from my office, if my management buy Star, then the story will be from Star..LOL)

The Home Minister had banned 3 books to preserve public orders. The 3 books will be:-
1) 1 Funny Malaysia
2) Perak Darul Kartun
3) March to Putrajaya : Malaysia's New Era is At Hand

However, do these books necessary to publish in Malaysia? Do you think that oversea publishers would not interested to publish these book if there is a huge international market? Come lar.... I think everyone should have known what is Malaysia market compare to global market. And seriously, I think our cartoonist are famous enough that outside publisher would want to do this, they are after all, businessman. If the books publish at oversea, I believe the Children of Malaysia still be able to get a copy of it, if anyone interested, and I strongly believe we will support our local talent as much. Right?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Kok-Tokking After 709 (Part 2)

NST news on 12th July 2011. This story came out in all the media TV the night before. Although I did not paid much attention then, but today I spend some time to pour in the story of what they have said.

OMG…just look at the picture and the innocent look, it’s the look saying, “na na na… ng guan ngo si arr…” In this matter, I have to give credit to the photographer though, ha!!

He said, “We can confirm the police DID NOT fire tear gas and water canon to the hospital….” But but but, who were those ‘human’ in the video?? Are them saying that those video was fake and edit but the Children of Malaysia???

And and and, they said our protector brought in those injured citizen into hospital for treatment, then why they stood there doing nothing when the Pakcik suffered from heart attack with hands tied back with cable-tie?? Or the video was faked too??

Over the weekend till today, I feel like shouting WH*T de FCUK man!!! These people think the Children of Malaysia all retarded or what??? Hey, COME ON LAR!!!

And some more arr, they accused other an Oscar winning actor wor, but I think the honor should give to….ehem ehem… (look at pic plzzz!)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Kok-Tokking After 709 (Part 1)

Today is 11th July 2011, News Strait Times report as such:-

“Our Prime Minister has pledged and called the Malays to uphold the country’s democratic principles.”

But I would like to ask, anybody at all, from the first paragraph, what was he telling us?? Why he only called for the Malays??? What about the Indians, Kadazan, Chinese, blab la bla….all the bumis and non-bumis??? Is he telling us that Malaysia is formed by Malays only??? Please humor me!!!!!

Second paragraph again he said to Malays only, if the Malays united, he will asks the King to dissolved the Parliament for GE13. This is something indirectly he was telling the Malays, “U help me, I help u!!” Provided whatever he promised will be done later.

Third paragraph, he is saying again UMNO and Malaysia only. What about MCA and MIC??

Just by this three paragraph, I would know that it is not the Citizen of Malaysia that is RACISM, it is just these small group of people, and they are using the word RACISM to create hatred between the citizens of Malaysia….NNAAA!!!